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Exim agent is a professional that your company needs if you are looking for buyers or suppliers in automotive, food and beverages, agricultural products,  fashion, tourism  fields.



Your company needs import or export manager in its team?

Exim agent represents and works for your company as a wholesale purchase or sales manager for the markets of Lithuania, Greece, Baltic countries, Russia, Belarus and Ukraine.

With a help of Exim agent you can start direct export and import and it is the best way to achieve maximum profits and long term growth for your company .


  • Authorized Export and import agent will assist you in selling, buying and transporting products to or from a foreign country.  The agent will work for you as an employee of your company without monthly salary and working place support expenses. You will pay agreed commission when the deal is complete and money transactions for the products or services are made.  A commission usually varies between 2.5% and 15% depending on the product and annual quantities.
  • The agent will cut or remove the cost of setting up your own offices overseas and recruiting and training your own employees to work there. If your company is small or mid-size you can do business on foreign markets without extra expenditure. Export and import agent will introduce you to overseas customers and will reduce your cost.
  • Exim agent is a right and reliable partner that can become  a key success factor on any market. The agent knows languages, political conditions and mentality of the markets you want to enter and can choose and make right decisions based on personal practice and knowledge. The agent has information and contacts for overseas markets and can share them with you. Export and import agent will identify and make the most of opportunities overseas. Exim agent will keep control over your product, the final price and brand image. The agent has the same goals as you in any market.
  • Even your company still be responsible for things like transportation, customs clearance, documentation and tax, but  the agent is trained to deal with all these questions  and will help you.

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